as we received many requests from you to keep our EASA 2016 LO test prep database based on the "old" syllabus, we have decided to offer this database as a separate product. This test prep database is available for purchase in a separate category "World" in our
To choose this test preparation database, please see your new test settings and select:
WORLD | EASA 2016 LO | license
This product is intended for students conducting their exams in countries where exams are taken in accordance with EASA regulations but still based on EASA 2016 syllabus structure (structure that is not officially used in EASA member states since February 2022).
If you have purchased the subscription to All Subjects of the EASA Syllabus and activated it before 31 January 2023, you have access provided to the both EASA 2016 LO and EASA Latest versions of our database.
We recommend to check with your instructors or the CAA directly which syllabus structure will be required for your exams and follow their instructions.