010 Air Law
- 010-01 International Law: Conventions, Agreements, Organizations
- 010-02 Airworthiness of Aircraft
- 010-03 Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks
- 010-04 Personnel Licensing
- 010-05 Procedures For Air Navigation - Aircraft Operations
- 010-06 Aircraft Operations
- 010-07 Air Traffic Services and Air Traffic Management
- 010-08 Aeronautical Information Service
- 010-09 Aerodromes (ICAO Annex 14, Volume I, Aerodrome Design and Operations)
- 010-10 Facilitation (ICAO Annex 9)
- 010-11 Search and Rescue
- 010-12 Security
- 010-13 Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation
- 010-14 Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 (the Basic Regulation)
021 Airframe, Systems, Electrics, Power Plant
- 021-01 System Design, Loads, Stress, Maintenance
- 021-02 Airframe
- 021-03 Hydraulics
- 021-04 Landing Gear, Wheels, Tyres, Brakes
- 021-05 Flight Controls
- 021-06 Pneumatics - Pressurisation and Air Conditioning Systems
- 021-07 Anti-Icing and De-Icing Systems
- 021-08 Fuel System
- 021-09 Electrics
- 021-10 Piston Engines
- 021-11 Turbine Engines
- 021-12 Protection and Detection Systems
- 021-13 Oxygen Systems
- 021-14 Helicopter: Miscellaneous Systems
- 021-15 Helicopter: Rotor Heads
- 021-16 Helicopter: Transmissions
- 021-17 Helicopter: Blades
022 Instrumentation
- 022-01 Sensors and Instruments
- 022-02 Measurement of Air Data Parameters
- 022-03 Magnetism - Direct Reading Compass and Flux Valve
- 022-04 Gyroscopic Instruments
- 022-05 Inertial Navigation and Refrence Systems (INS and IRS)
- 022-06 Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems
- 022-07 Helicopter: Automatic Flight Control Systems
- 022-08 Trims - Yaw Damper - Flight Envelope Protection
- 022-09 Autothrottle - Automatic Thrust Control System
- 022-10 Communication Systems
- 022-11 Flight Management System (FMS)
- 022-12 Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems
- 022-13 Integrated Instruments - Electronic Displays
- 022-14 Maintenance, Monitoring and Recording Systems
- 022-15 Digital Circuits and Computers
031 Mass & Balance
- 031-01 Purpose of Mass and Balance Considerations
- 031-02 Loading
- 031-03 Fundamentals of CG Calculations
- 031-04 Mass and Balance Details of Aircraft
- 031-05 Determination of CG Position
- 031-06 Cargo Handling
032 + 034 Performance (Airplane + Helicopter)
- 032-01 General
- 032-02 Performance Class B: Single-engine Aeroplanes
- 032-03 Performance Class B: Multi-engine Aeroplanes
- 032-04 Performance Class A: Aeroplanes Certificated Under CS-25 Only
034-01 General
- 034-02 Performance Class 3: Single-engine Helicopters Only
- 034-03 Performance Class 2
- 034-04 Performance Class 1: Helicopters Certificated Under CS-29 Only
033 Flight Planning & Monitoring
- 033-01 Flight Planning for VFR Flights
- 033-02 Flight Planning for IFR Flights
- 033-03 Fuel Planning
- 033-04 Pre-flight Preparation
- 033-05 ICAO Flight Plan (ATS Flight Plan)
- 033-06 Flight Monitoring and In-flight Re-Planning
040 Human Performance & Limitations
- 040-01 Human Factors: Basic Concepts
- 040-02 Basics of Aviation Physiology and Health Maintenance
- 040-03 Basic Aviation Psychology
050 Meteorology
- 050-01 The Atmosphere
- 050-02 Wind
- 050-03 Thermodynamics
- 050-04 Clouds and Fog
- 050-05 Precipitation
- 050-06 Air Masses and Fronts
- 050-07 Pressure Systems
- 050-08 Climatology
- 050-09 Flight Hazards
- 050-10 Meteorological Information
061 General Navigation
- 061-01 Basics of Navigation
- 061-02 Magnetism and Compasses
- 061-03 Charts
- 061-04 Dead Reckoning Navigation (DR)
- 061-05 In-flight Navigation
062 Radio Navigation
- 062-01 Basic Radio Propagation Theory
- 062-02 Radio Aids
- 062-03 Radar
- 062-04 Intentionally Left Blank
- 062-05 Area Navigation Systems and RNAV or FMS
- 062-06 GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems)
- 062-07 PBN
070 Operational Procedures
- 070-01 General Requirements
- 070-02 Special Operational Procedures and Hazards (General Aspects)
- 070-03 Emergency Procedures (helicopter)
081 + 082 Principles of Flight (Airplane + Helicopter)
091 + 092 VFR + IFR Communications
- 091-01 Definitions
- 091-02 General Operating Procedures
- 091-03 Relevant Weather Information Terms (VFR)
- 091-04 Action Required to be Taken in Case of Communication Failure
- 091-05 Distress and Urgency Procedures
- 091-06 General Principles of VHF Propagation and Allocation of Frequencies
092-01 Definitions
- 092-02 General Operating Procedures
- 092-03 Action Required to be Taken in Case of Communication Failure
- 092-04 Distress and Urgency Procedures
- 092-05 Relevant Weather Information Terms (IFR)
- 092-06 General Principles of VHF Propagation and Allocation of Frequencies
- 092-07 Morse Code
100 Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (KSA)
This product is a database of questions structured according to EASA syllabus 2016 which is still used in some countries that are not EASA member states, yet adopted EASA regulations - for instance, at the beginning of year 2023 it is Pakistan, United Arab Emirates, etc. Important note - always consult the information available at the official website of your CAA. It may be possible that your authority updated the question bank they use.
Not suitable for students taking their exams in EASA member states following the newest learning objectives with the Latest ECQB - if you prepare for these exams, please click here.
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- Some questions from subject 033 Flight Planning, 061 General Navigation and 062 Radio Navigation require the Jeppesen Student Pilot Route Manual.